











  1. 新型光学测量仪器


  1. 人工智能的安全问题



2003.09 至今:任职于 电竞博彩平台 信息与电子学院

2016.12-2017.12:就读于 美国特拉华大学 电子与计算机工程系 访问学者

2006.09-2013.09:就读于 电竞博彩平台 光学工程专业 博士

2000.09-2003.07:就读于 电竞博彩平台 电路与系统 硕士(本硕连读)

1997.09-2001.07:就读于 电竞博彩平台 电子工程 本科



[1] 鲁溟峰,张峰,陶然,分数傅里叶变换域数字化与图像处理,电竞博彩平台出版社, 398千字, 2016.


[1] Li P, Lu M F*, Ji C C, et al. Convolutional neural network for estimating physical parameters from Newton’s rings[J]. Applied optics, 2021, 60(13): 3964-3970. (SCI)

[2] Ji C C, Lu M F*, Wu J M, et al. Faster region-based convolutional neural network method for estimating parameters from Newton’s rings[J]. Optical Engineering, 2020, 59(1): 014115. (SCI)

[3] Wu J M, Lu M F*, Phase extraction from a single closed interferogram with quadratic phase based on fractional Fourier transform method[J]. Optical Engineering, 2019, 58(9): 094104. (SCI)

[4] Guo Z, Lu M F*, Wu J M, et al. Fast FRFT-based method for estimating physical parameters from Newton’s rings[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(14): 3926-3931. (SCI)

[5] Wu J M, Lu M F*, Guo Z, et al. Impact of background and modulation on parameter estimation using fractional Fourier transform and its solutions[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(13): 3528-3538. (SCI)

[6] Wu J M, Lu M F*, Tao R, et al. Improved FRFT-based method for estimating the physical parameters from Newton's rings[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 91: 178-186. (SCI)

[7] Lu M F*, Zhang F, Tao R, et al. Parameter estimation of optical fringes with quadratic phase using the fractional Fourier transform[J], Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 74: 1-16. (SCI)

[8] Lu M F, Ni G Q*, Bai T Z, et al. Method for suppressing the quantization error of Newton's rings fringe pattern[J]Optical Engineering, 2013, 52(10): 103105-1-103105-11. (SCI)


[1] Liang X, Lu M* , Chen T , et al. The Design of an Intelligent Monitoring System for Human Action[C]// 2nd EAI International Conference, AICON 2020. (Best Paper Award)

[2] Li P , Lu M F* , Wu J , et al. Deep learning based method for phase analysis from a single closed fringe pattern[C]// Optical Technology and Measurement for Industrial Applications Conference. 2020.

[3] Wu Z L, Lu M F*, Ji C C. The design of an intelligent monitoring system for human hand behaviors [C]// 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing, ICMIP 2020, 125-129. (Best Paper Award)

[4] Guo Z , Lu M F*, Wu J M , et al. Improved FRFT-Based Method for Estimating Physical Parameters from Newton's Rings[C]// Optical Fabrication and Testing. 2019.

[5] Wu J M, Lu M F*, Ji C C, et al. Fractional Fourier ridges for demodulation of interferograms with quadratic phase[C]//Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VII. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019, 11057: 1105706.

[6] Ji C C, Lu M F*, Wu J M, et al. Faster region-based convolutional neural network method for estimating parameters from Newton's rings[C]//Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VII. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019, 11057: 110570X.

[7] Lu M F*, Zhang F, Tao R, et al. Application of Fractional Fourier Transform for Interferometry[C]// CLEO: Applications and Technology, Optical Society of America, 2015.


[1] Mingfeng Lu, Jinmin Wu, Ran Tao, Zhen Guo, Feng Zhang, Physical Parameter Estimating Method, Physical Parameter Estimating Device, And Electronic Apparatus Using Sampling Theorem In The Fractional Fourier Transform Domain, 2021.3,USAUS16/543,879

[2] 鲁溟峰,武进敏,熊坤,夏香根,张峰,陶然,物理参数估计方法、装置和电子设备, 2020.8, 中国, ZL201910243920.9

[3] Mingfeng Lu, Jinmin Wu, Feng Zhang, Ran Tao, Physical Parameter Estimating Method that Determines a Matched Order of an Intensity Distribution Signal According to a Calculated Magnitude Spectrums and Electronic Apparatus, 2019.10,USAUS010429169B2

[4] 鲁溟峰,武进敏,张峰,陶然,物理参数估计方法、装置和电子设备, 2018.8, 中国, ZL201610695189.X


  1. 鲁溟峰、武进敏、杨文明、张峰、陶然、王宇兴、周红、罗旭东,新型牛顿环实验仪—观测牛顿环的新视角,中国高等教育学会,第六届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛,一等奖,2021

  2. 鲁溟峰、张峰、董博洋,基于Matlab和Python(PaddlePaddle)的机器学习系列实验案例,中国计算机实践教育联合会,第五届全国计算机类课程实验教学案例设计竞赛(人工智能类),一等奖,2020

  3. 鲁溟峰,美国特拉华大学信号类课程教学模式探讨,高等学校电路和信号系统教学与教材研究会,高等学校电路和信号系统、电磁场教学与教材研究会第十一届年会,最佳论文奖,2018


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l 太赫兹技术(大同)研究院研究员

l 无线电联盟2016年度亚太区国际会议 “Signal Processing, Algorithms and Circuit” 分会场主席(session chair)

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l 电竞博彩平台采购评审专家